Speedwell’s Twinkle Tots toddler Group is held on a Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. in the school hall.
Parents, carers and children can come and get involved with lots of exciting and stimulating activities. It costs £1.50 to attend the session, this includes a snack for the children and refreshments for the adults.
Our sessions cover all learning areas as in our Foundation Stage in school. We always have a creative activity and finish our session with a story and rhyme time. The theme for our toddler sessions this term will be Traditional Tales.
So come and join us because Speedwell Tots learn lots and lots.
Parents, carers and children can come and get involved with lots of exciting and stimulating activities. It costs £1.50 to attend the session, this includes a snack for the children and refreshments for the adults.
Our sessions cover all learning areas as in our Foundation Stage in school. We always have a creative activity and finish our session with a story and rhyme time. The theme for our toddler sessions this term will be Traditional Tales.
So come and join us because Speedwell Tots learn lots and lots.